A partnership between the public, private, academic and third sector organisations.  The purpose is to build the strength of the Life Sciences and Healthcare sectors in Dundee and the wider Tayside region internally through:

  • partnership working
  • networking
  • knowledge and skills development

While externally promoting and positioning the region to relevant audiences as fundamentally contributing to Scotland's world class Life Sciences and Healthcare sectors.

Dundee is home to one of the most exciting life sciences clusters in the UK, with world-class companies, universities and research institutes all within a 3 mile radius.  Click on the animation below for more information on the sector and the BioDundee Community to view the profiles of the organisations and companies in the sector.


Latest News

Training for those who support homeless and people in prison with oral health

Researchers at the University of Dundee, in partnership with NHS Education for Scotland, are…

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Prof. Rob Brooker appointed as Executive Director of Science

The James Hutton Institute is very pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Rob Brooker as…

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Dundee patient first in Europe to get personalised cancer therapy for gastro-oesophageal cancer

A patient from Dundee has become the first patient in Europe on a global trial to be given a…

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